‘Sammy’. A Hand Drawn Comic Strip.

Sammy 1. Al CookSammy 2. Al CookSammy 3. Al CookSammy 4. Al CookSammy 5. Al CookSammy 6. Al CookSammy 7. Al CookSammy 8. Al CookSammy 9. Al CookSammy 10. Al CookSammy 11. Al CookSammy 12. Al CookSammy 13. Al CookSammy 14. Al CookSammy 15. Al CookSammy 16. Al CookSammy 17. Al Cook

Behind Al Cook’s “Necropolis”: Blood Test.

Whenever I get an illustration commission I occasionally get asked to provide ‘idea sketches’ to show what the finished piece will look like. This type of request usually results in me turning down a lot of artwork job offers because I almost never ever produce any ‘idea’ sketches and if I do, they never really resemble the eventual illustration and I tear them up just as soon as I’m finished with them. Besides, I think that sample and ‘idea’ sketches could subliminally put someone off of your work.
Is that crazy and paranoid?

If it’s not crazy and paranoid it’s probably arrogant of me but I’d rather turn down an illustration job than waste my time churning out sample sketches just to please someone who doesn’t have the faith in me to just let me get on with things.

That said, sometimes I do produce ‘working’ sketches for my horror comic-strip to help me place where characters and objects will be in the panels and today I’m going to break my own rule and show them to you.

All of these working sketches come from the “Please Give Blood” installment from my comic-strip, Al Cook’s “Necropolis” and as you will see, these were never meant to be seen…

* Working Sketch:

* Eventual Illustration Panel:


* Working Sketch:


* Eventual Illustration Panel:


* Working Sketch:


* Eventual Illustration Panel:


* Working Sketch:


* Eventual Illustraion Panel:


* Working Sketch #1:


* Working Sketch #2:


* Working Sketch #3:


* Working SKetch #4:


* Eventual Illustration Panel:


I decided to upload these scribbles because aside from my own, I like to see work in progress. Be it a building being built or a half finished song, I’m interested and so I hope those sketches were of some interest to you.
You can view “Please Give Blood” in full HERE.

You May Also Be Interested In…
* Al Cook’s “Necropolis”
* Graham Humphreys: “Zombie Flesh Eaters” Artwork
* Sketches For Nobody #6

Dot And Tot Of Merryland: A Working Sketch.

This is my working sketch for a painting I’ve been working on for my pal Jared’s short story which he has based on L. Frank Baum’s “Dot And Tot Of Merryland“.
The painting will feature the same colours as used by W.W. Denslow in his original illustrations and I’ll post the results up on here when I’m done.

You can read L’ Frank Baum’s original story as well as see W.W. Denslow’s illustrations by clicking HERE.

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* The Making Of A Scarecrow
* Anything Of OZ
* Salvador Dali: Alice In Wonderland

Sketches For Nobody #6.

I’ve called these ‘Sketches For Nobody’ but that’s not really true. These are all working ideas for something or other.
For years and years I’ve been throwing my working sketches away because they don’t mean anything to me after a certain point but as I get older, I’m starting to keep everything.

This is a working character sketch for a comic strip I’ve been working on called “COWAN: Homicide” which is about a cop working in 1980’s Shettleston, Glasgow.
Hopefully, I’ll have that up and running within the next few weeks.

This is a random sketch done at work to pass the time on a slow day.

Above is a working sketch for the character of a friend’s short story.

And then we have, a speedy and very jaggy sketch of L. Frank Baum’s Scarecrow from “The Wizard Of Oz”.

Lastly, this was a quick character drawing for the album cover artwork that I did for the band V For Vagina.

You May Also Be Interested In…
* Dot And Tot Of Merryland: A Working Sketch
* Album Artwork: “A Circus Of Vaginas”
* Sketches For Nobody #1

A Beautiful Vinyl Record.

2 days ago, I was given a vinyl copy of “Love Lust tales” by Glasgow band Louise McVey & Cracks In The Concrete and I have to say, I’m really pleased with how it all turned out.

I drew the front cover and after I turned the artwork over to the band a year ago, I started to worry about how the back of the album would look. I worried about the type of font that would be used on the record itself etc… I was pretty much scared about the album details and text being out of sync and style with the front cover because I wouldn’t be involved with that side of things.

There was also a time where nobody knew if the record would even be released on vinyl but I gotta say that I worried for nothing because it’s a BEAUTY!

Most importantly, the record sounds amazing and I would be really pleased if you bought yourself a copy.

Available on vinyl, CD and as a download, “Love Lust Tales” can be bought and heard by clicking on the following links…
* The Band’s Website
* Amazon UK
* Amazon USA
* iTunes
* Just Add Music

For illustration queries, email: brokenglasseye@hotmail.com

You May Also Be Interested In:
* Album Artwork: “A Circus Of Vaginas”
* My Comic Strip, Al Cook’s “Necropolis”